Constituency Office Services
The Government of Canada offers numerous programs and services designed to provide Canadians with the help they need. As your Member of Parliament, my office can help you navigate these programs.

Federal Government Services
Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship
Visa, Sponsorship, Work/Study Permit, Refugee Claim, Citizenship, and more
Service Canada
Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Social Insurance Numbers (SIN), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Old Age Security (OAS), Passport Canada
Canada Revenue Agency
Tax credits, benefits, and tax returns
Employment & Social Development Canada
National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC), Canada Summer Jobs
Additional federal programs and services

Request a Certificate
Member of Parliament, Any Age
Prime Minister, Age 65+ at 5 year intervals
His Majesty, 100+
Member of Parliament, Any Amount
Prime Minister, Year 25+ at 5 year intervals
His Majesty, Year 60+
Opening/anniversary of a local business, organization, or community event
Other achievements or milestones
Canadian Souvenirs
Your Member of Parliament can provide you with various types of Canadian souvenirs including:
Full size Canadian flags
Small Canadian flags
Canada Day Lawn Signs
Copies of the Charter or Rights and Freedoms
Additional items
Please contact us to request any of these items!